MIS notes management information system

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Define an information system
·         Distinguish between computer literacy and information system literacy
·         Explain why information systems are so important today and how they are transforming organization and management
·         Identify the major management challenges to building and using information systems in organization
1.1            Why Information System?
The environment of business has changed from the traditional environment where management processes are treated as a face-to-face, personal art and not a far-flung, global coordination process.  Information itself is not treated as an important asset for a firm.
But today, most of the organization recognizes the importance of information.  For individuals, information systems are needed for entertainment and as an enlighten to their life.  Meanwhile for businesses, information systems are mostly needed to help in decision making and problem solving.  Besides that, it is used to gather, store and manipulate information.  There are three main factors that contribute to the recognition of the importance of information to any organization.
The first factor is the emergence and strengthening of the global economy.  Globalization of the world’s industrial economies greatly enhances the value of information to the firm and offers new opportunities to businesses.  Information system provides the communication and analytical power that firms need for conducting trade and managing businesses on a global scale.
The second factor is due to the transformation of industrial economies and societies into knowledge and information based service economies.  In knowledge based economies, knowledge and information are key ingredients in creating wealth to an organization.  Knowledge and information are becoming the foundation for many new services and products.  Intensification of knowledge utilization in the production of traditional products has increased as well.  New kinds of knowledge- and information-intense organizations have emerged that are devoted entirely to the production, processing, and distribution of information
The third factor is due to the transforming of the business enterprise.  Traditional firms was and still is a hierarchical, centralized, structured arrangement of specialist that typically relies on a fixed set of standard operating procedures to deliver a mass-produced product or services.  But the business enterprises has change into flattened, decentralized, flexible arrangement of generalists who rely on nearly instant information to deliver mass-customized products and services uniquely suited to specific markets or customers
Besides the above mentioned three main factors, there are also several trends that have made the use of information systems very important in business:
·         Computers’ power has grown tremendously, while their prices have dropped.
·         Computer programs’ variety and ingenuity have increased.
·         Quick and reliable communication lines and access to the Internet and World Wide Web have become widely available and affordable.
·         The fast growth of the Internet has opened opportunities, as well as competition in global markets.
·         An increasing ratio of the workforce is computer literate.
In this environment, organizations will quickly lag behind if they do not take advantage of this progress and use the technologies and skills to meet their goals.
1.1.1    What is an Information System?
Information system consists of physical and nonphysical components working together.  A computer alone is not an information system.  A computer combines with a software program may constitute an information system, but only if the program is designed to produce information that helps an organization or person to achieve a specific goal.  Information system can be further defined as a set of interrelated components that collect or retrieve, process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization.  Information systems can also help managers and workers to analyze problems, visualize complex subjects and create new subjects.  It may contain information about significant people, places and things within the organization or in the environment surrounding it.
All information systems (IS) operate in the same basic fashion whether they include a computer or not.  However, the computer provides a convenient means to execute the four main operations of an information system.  The four main activities are entering data into the IS (input), changing and manipulating the data in the IS (data processing), getting information out of the IS (output) and storing data and information (storage). Besides the four main operations, feedback is also needed to return the output to the appropriate people or activities in the organization to evaluate and refine the input.


Figure 1.1 Diagram showing the four main operations

The first step in producing information is collecting and introducing data into the IS, known as input.  Input captures or collect raw data from within the organization or from its external environment.  Data are streams of raw facts representing events occurring in organizations or the physical environment before they have been organized and arranged into a form that people can understand and use.  An input device is the tools used to enter data into an IS.  Input devices include the keyboard, infrared devices that sense bar codes, and voice recognition systems.
The second step in producing information is processing.  This is the step where computer contributes to the efficiency of the data processing, which is essential to a robust IS.  In this step, computer helps in converting the raw input into a more meaningful form through various methods like conversion, manipulation and analysis.  The computer’s speed and accuracy let organizations process millions of pieces of data in several seconds.
Output is the information an IS produces and displays on an output device in the format most useful to an organization.  Information is data that have been shaped into a form that is meaningful and useful to human beings.  A good IS must be able to produce information that carries the following characteristics:
·         Relevant – information must pertain to the problem at hand.
·         Complete – partial information is often worst than no information.
·         Accurate – erroneous information may lead to disastrous decisions.
·         Current – decisions are often based upon the latest information available.
·         Economical – in a business setting, the cost of obtaining information must be considered as one cost element involved in any decision.
The information needs to be transferred to the people or activities where it will be used.  The most widely used output device is the video display, or video monitor, which displays output visually.  However, computers can communicate output through speakers in the form of music of speech and can also transmit it to another computer or electronic device in computer-coded form for later interpretation.
One of the greatest benefits of using computers is their ability to store vast amount of data and information.  Computer stores information on both devices that are internal to the machine and those that are external.
Feedback is output returned to appropriate people or activities in the organization to evaluate and refine the input.
The four basic components of the computer system within an IS:
·         Input device that introduces data into the IS.
·         The computer processes data through the IS.
·         Output device that displays the information produces by the IS.
·         Storage device to store data and information.
In addition to the above components, communication also occurs between computers.  Communications technology lets users not only access multiple input, output and storage devices with a single computer, but access data and resources of more than one computer as well.

1.1.2    A Business Perspective on Information System
From a business perspective, an information system is an organizational and management solution, based on information technology, to a challenge posed by the environment.  It emphasizes the organizational and management nature of information system: To understand information system – to be information system literate as opposed to computer literate – a manager must understand the broader organization, management and information technology dimensions of systems and their power to provide solutions to challenges and problems in the business environment


Figure 1-2 

The key elements of an organization are its people, structure and operating procedures, politics and culture.  An organization coordinates work through a structured hierarchy and formal standard operating procedures (SOPs).  SOPs are formal rules for accomplishing tasks that have been developed over a long time.  These rules guide employees in variety of procedures.  Most of the procedures are formalized and written down, but many others are informal work practices.  Major organizational functions are like sales and marketing, manufacturing, finance, accounting and human resources
Management’s job is to make sense out of many situations faced by organization and formulate action plans to solve organizational problems.  A substantial part of management is creative work driven by new knowledge and information.  Information technology can play a powerful role in redirecting and redesigning the organization.  Managerial roles and decisions vary at different levels of the organization.
·         Senior managers – make long-range strategic decisions about products and services to produce.
·         Middle managers – carry out the programs and plans senior management.
·         Operational managers – responsible for monitoring the firm’s daily activities.
Information technology is one of many tools available to managers for coping with change which consists of computer hardware, computer software, storage technology and communication technology.  Computer hardware is physical equipments used for input, processing and output activities in an information system.  Computer software is detailed, preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate the work of computer hardware components in an IS.  Storage technology is physical media and software governing the storage and organization of data for use in an IS.  Lastly, communication technology is physical devices and software that link various computer hardware components and transfer data for use in an IS.  A network links two or more computers to share data or resources such as printer.

1.2            Contemporary Approaches to Information Systems
Multiple perspectives on IS shows that the study of information systems is a multidisciplinary field, where no single theory or perspective dominates.  Figure 1.3 shows the major disciplines that contribute problem, issues and solutions.  In general, the field can be divided into technical, behavioral and socio-technical approaches.
Technical approach emphasizes mathematically based, normative models to study information systems as well as the physical technology and formal capabilities of these systems.  Three disciplines that contribute to this approach are Management Science, Computer Science and Operation Research.
Behavioral approach is more concern with development and long-term maintenance of information systems, which emphasizes on issues like strategic business integration, design, implementation and utilization.  Three disciplines that contribute to this approach are Psychology, Economics and Sociology.


Figure 1-3

Socio-technical approach avoids a purely technological approach to information systems.  This approach stress the need to optimize the performance of the system as a whole where both the technical and behavioral components needs attention, which means that the technology must be changed and designed in such a way as to fit organizational and individual needs meanwhile organization and individual must also be changed through training, learning and planned organizational change in order to allow the technology to operate and prosper.

1.3     The New Role of Information Systems in Organization
The new relationship (as illustrated in Figure 1.4) between organization and IS shows that there is a growing interdependence between organizational business strategy, rules and procedures on the one hand and information system software, hardware, databases and telecommunications on the other.  The changes in strategy, rules and procedures require changes in hardware, software, databases and telecommunications.  This relationship becomes critical when management plans for the future.



Figure 1-4

A second change in the relationship of IS and organizations results from the growing complexity and scope of system projects and applications.  Over time, information systems have come to play a larger role in the life of the organization.  Early information systems brought about largely technical changes that were relatively easy to achieve and accomplish and affects few people.  Later systems affected managerial control and behavior (who has what information about whom, when and how often); ultimately systems influenced “core” institutional activities (what products and services are produced, under what conditions and by whom) concerning products, markets, suppliers and customers.

1.3.1    New Options for Organizational Design: The Networked Enterprise
The explosive growth in computing power and networks is turning organizations into networked enterprises, allowing information to be instantly distributed within and beyond the organization.  This capability can be used to redesign and reshape organizations, transforming their structure, scope of operations, reporting and control mechanisms, work practices, work flows, products and services.  The following describes the new ways of conducting business electronically.
Flattening organizations will results in fewer levels of management, with lower-level employees being given greater decision-making authority.  Those employees are empowered to make more decisions than in the past are no longer work standard 8 hours and no longer necessary work in an office and they can be scattered geographically.  Contemporary information technology makes more information available to line workers so they can make decisions that previously had been made by managers.  Networked computers have made it possible for employees to work together as a team.  Team members can collaborate closely even from distant locations.  These changes mean that the management span of control has also been broadened, allowing high-level managers to manage and control more workers spread over greater distances.
Separating work from location is possible as organizing globally while working locally is made possible through technologies like e-mail, the Internet, video conferencing.  Communication technology eliminates distance as a factor for many types of work in many situations.  Collaborative teamwork across thousands of miles has become a reality designer’s work on the design of a new product together even if they are located on different continents.  Companies are not limited to physical locations or their own organizational boundaries for providing products and services.  Virtual organization becomes reality where organization using network linking people, assets and ideas to create and distribute products and services without being limited by traditional organizational boundaries or physical location.
Reorganizing work flows as IS have been progressively replacing manual work procedures with automated work procedures, work flows and work processes.  Improved work flow management enabled many organizations not only to cut cost significantly but also to improve customer service at the same time.
Increases flexibility of organization as companies uses communication technology to organize in more flexible way, increases their ability to respond to changes in the marketplace and to take advantage of new opportunities.  Large organization can use information technology to achieve some of the agility and responsiveness of small organizations like mass customization, the use of software and computer networks to finely control production so that products can be easily customized with no added cost for small production runs.  The result is a dynamically responsive environment in which products can be turned out in a greater variety.
Information technology is recasting the process of management, providing powerful new capabilities to help managers plan, organize, lead and control.  For example the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business management that integrates all facets of the business, including planning, manufacturing, sales and finance so that they can become closely coordinated by sharing information with each other.
Reducing organizational boundaries as networked information system enables transactions to be exchanged electronically among different companies, hence reducing the cost of obtaining products and services from outside the firm.  An inter-organizational system is a system that automates the flow of information across organizational boundaries and links a company to its customers, distributors or suppliers.

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
·         Analyze the role played by the six major types of information systems in organizations
·         Describe the relationship between the various types of information systems
·         Examine how the competitive forces and value chain models can be used to identify opportunities for strategic information systems
·         Explain why strategic information systems are difficult to build and to sustain
·         Describe how organizations can use information systems to enhance quality in their operations, products and services

2.1            Key System Applications in the Organization
Due to different interests, specialties and levels in an organization, there are different kinds of systems.  No single system can provide all the information an organization needs. Organization and information systems can be divided into strategic, management, knowledge and operational level.  All the above mentioned levels of an organization can be further divided into five functional areas: sales and marketing, manufacturing, accounting, finance and human resources.  Figure 2.1 below shows the one way to depict the kinds of systems found in an organization.

Figure 2-1
2.1.1        Different Kinds of Systems
Strategic level systems help senior manager with long-term planning.  The principle concern at this level is matching changes in the external environment with existing organizational capabilities.  It supports the long-range planning activities of senior management.  It also helps the senior management to tackle and address strategic issues both in the firm and in the external environment.
Management level systems help middle managers monitor and control.  It typically provides periodic reports rather than instant information on operations.  It supports the monitoring, controlling, decision-making and administrative activities of middle managers.  Some of the management level systems support non-routine decision making where they tend to focus on less-structured decisions for which information requirements are not always clear.
Knowledge level systems help knowledge and data workers design product, distribute information and cope with paperwork.  The main purpose is to help integrate new knowledge into the business and to help the organization control the flow of paperwork.  Knowledge level systems, especially in the form of workstations and office systems are the fastest-growing applications in business today.
Operational level systems help operational manager keep track of the firm’s day-today activities.  The principle purpose is of operational level system is to answer routine questions and to track the flow of transactions through the organization.

2.1.2    Six Major Types of Systems
Information systems are built to serve each of the four levels of an organization based on the five main functional area of business.
·         Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) serve the operational level of an organization.
·         Knowledge Work Systems (KWS) and Office Automation Systems (OAS) serve the knowledge level of an organization.
·         Decision-support Systems (DSS) and Management Information Systems (MIS) serve the management level of an organization.
·         Executive Support Systems (ESS) serves the strategic level of an organization.

2.2     The Strategic Role of Information Systems
2.2.1    What is a Strategic Information System?
Strategic Information Systems can be defined as computer systems at any level of the organization that change goals, operations, products, services or environmental relationships to help the organization gain a competitive advantage.  The following describes the eight basic ways to gain competitive advantage.
Reduce costs
A company can gain advantage if it can sell more units at a lower price while providing quality and maintaining or increasing its profit margin.
Raise barriers to market entrants
A company can gain advantage if it deters potentials entrants into the market, leaving less competition and more market potentials.
Establish high switching cost
A company can gain advantage if it creates high switching costs; making is economically infeasible for customers to buy from competitors.
Create new products or services
A company can gain advantage if it offers a unique product or service.
Differentiate products or services
A company can gain advantage if it can attract customers by convincing them its product differs from the competitors.
Enhance products or services
A company can gain advantage if its product or service is better than anyone else’s.
Establish alliances
Companies from different industries can help each other gain advantage by offering combined packages of goods or services at special prices.
Lock in suppliers or buyers
A company can gain advantage if it can lock in either suppliers or buyers, making it economically impractical for suppliers or buyers to deal with competitors.
Strategic information systems should be distinguish from strategic level systems for senior managers that focus on long-term, decision making systems where strategic information systems can be used at all levels of an organization and are far-reaching and deep-rooted than the other kinds of systems.  Strategic information systems fundamentally change a firm’s goals, products, services or internal and external relationships.  In order to use the strategic information systems as competitive weapons, we must understand where strategic opportunities for businesses are like to be found based on two models of a firm and its environment: the Competitive Forces Models and the Value Chain Model

2.2.2        Countering Competitive Forces (Competitive Forces Model)
In the competitive forces model (a model used to describe the interaction of external influences, specially threats and opportunities, that effects an organization’s strategy and ability to compete; illustrates in Figure 2.2), a firm faces a number of external threats and opportunities:
·         The threat of new entrants into its market
·         The pressure from substitute products or services
·         The bargaining power of customers
·         The bargaining power of suppliers
·         The positioning of traditional industry competitors
Competitive advantage can be achieved by enhancing the firm’s ability to deal with customers, suppliers, substitute products and services, and new entrants to its market, which in turn may change the balance of power between a firm and other competitors in the industry in the firm’s favor.


Figure 2-2

Organization can use four basic competitive strategies to deal with these competitive forces:
·         Product differentiation
Firms can develop brand loyalty by product differentiation – creating unique new products and services that can be easily be distinguished from those of competitors, and that existing competitors or potential new competitors can’t duplicate.  Manufacturers are starting to use information systems to create products and services that are custom-tailored to fit the precise of individual customers.
·         Focused differentiation
Businesses can create new market niche by focused differentiation – identifying a specific target for a product or service that it can serve in the superior manner.  A firm can provide a specialized product or service that serves this narrow target market better than existing competitors and that discourages new competitors.  An information system can give companies advantage by producing data to improve their sales and marketing techniques.  Sophisticated data-mining software tools find patterns in large pools of data and infer rules from them that can be used to guide decision making.  Data-mining is both a powerful and profitable tool, but it poses challenges to the protection of individual privacy.  Data-mining technology combines information from many diverse sources to create a detailed “data image” about individuals, such as the income, hobbies, driving habit, and the question here is whether companies should be allowed to collect such detailed information about individuals.
·         Developing tight linkages to customers and suppliers
Firms can create ties to customers and suppliers that “lick” customers into the firm’s products and that tie suppliers into a delivery timetable and price structure shaped by the purchasing firm.  This raises switching costs (the cost for customers to switch to competitors’ product and services) and reduces customers’ bargaining power and the bargaining power of suppliers.  This is similar to the just-in-time delivery or inventory systems which reduce the cost of inventory, the space required for warehousing and construction time.

·         Becoming the low-cost producer
To prevent new competitors from entering their markets, business can produce goods and services at a lower price than competitors.  Strategically oriented information systems help firms significantly lower their internal costs, allowing them to deliver products and services at a lower price (and sometimes with higher quality) then what the competitors can provide.  For example, organizations can use supply chain management to integrate supplier, distributor and customer’s logistics requirements into one cohesive process.  Information systems make supply chain management more efficient by integrating demand planning, forecasting, materials requisition, order processing, inventory allocation, order fulfillment, transportation services, receiving, invoicing and payment.  Supply chain management can not only lower inventory costs but also can create efficient customer response systems that deliver the product or service more rapidly to the customer.
            The following show how the above mentioned strategic can be use on the Internet.
Internet Application
Product differentiation
Virtual banking which allows customers to view account statements, pay bills, check account balance and obtain 24-hour customer service through the World Wide Web
Focused differentiation
Hotel room reservation tracking system which provides electronic information on participating hotels.  It can analyze these usage patterns to tailor hospitality-related products more closely to customer preferences
Links to customers and suppliers
Access through websites to track or check the status of any shipment
Low cost producer
Uses EDI (electronic data interchange) to quote any quotation or charge any bills.

2.2.3        Leveraging Technology in the Value Chain (Value Chain Model)
The value chain model highlights the primary or support activities that add a margin of value to a firm’s products or services where information systems can best be applied to achieve a competitive advantage.  The value chain model can supplement the competitive forces models by identifying specific, critical leverage points where a firm can use information technology most effectively to enhance its competitive position.  This model views the firm as a series or chain or basic activities that add a margin of value to a firm’s products or services.  These activities can be categorized as either primary activities or support activities.  Primary activities are most directly related to the production and distribution of the firm’s product and services that create value for customer which includes inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and services.  Support activities make the delivery of the primary activities possible and consist of organization infrastructure (administration and management), human resources (employee recruiting, hiring and training), technology (improving products and the production process) and procurement (purchasing input).  Organizations have a competitive advantage when they can provide more value to the customers or when they provide the same value to customers at a lower price.  Information systems could have strategic impacts if it helped the firm provide products or services at a lower cost than competitors or if it provides the products or services same cost as competitors but with greater value.

2.2.4        Difficulties in building and sustain strategic information system
·         Not all strategic information systems make profit.
·         They can be expensive and risky to build.
·         Many strategic information systems are easily copied by other firms, so that strategic advantage is not always sustainable.
·         Implementing strategic systems often requires extensive organizational change and a transition from one socio-technical level to another.  Such changes are called strategic transitions and are often difficult and painful to achieve.

2.3     How Information Systems Promote Quality
2.3.1    What is Quality?
Quality can be defined from both producer and customer perspectives.  From the perspective of producer, quality signifies conformance to specifications or absence of variation form those specification.  From the perspective of customer, quality means:
·         Concerned with the quality of physical product – its durability, safety, ease of use and installation.
·         Concerned with the quality of service – the accuracy and truthfulness of advertising, responsiveness to warranties and ongoing product support.
·         Concerned with psychological aspects – the company’s knowledge of its product, the courtesy and sensitivity of sales and support staff, and the reputation of the product.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a concept that makes quality control a responsibility to be shared by all people in an organization.  TQM holds that the achievement of quality controls is an end in itself.  Everyone is expected to contribute to the overall improvement of quality.  TQM encompasses all of the functions within an organization.

2.3.2        How Information Systems Contribute to Total Quality Management
Information systems can help firms to achieve their goals by:
·         Simplifying the product, the production process or both
·         Benchmark
·         Use customer demands as a guide to improving products and services
·         Reduce cycle time
·         Improve the quality and precision of the design
·         Increase the precision of production

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
·         Describe the specific categories of systems serving each organizational level
·         Describe the value of different type of information systems to organization
·         Describe the feature and characteristics of different information systems
3.1            Operational Level Information Systems
The information system that involved at operational level of an organization is Transaction Processing Systems.  Transaction processing systems (TPS) are the basic business systems that serve the operational level of the system. A transaction processing system is a computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct of the business.  A TPS is any system that records transaction (a business event: a sale, a purchase, the hiring of a new employee).  TPS is the entry point where data are entered at its source at the time of transactions take place.  TPSs are interfaced with applications that provide clerical workers and operational managers with up-to-date information.
At the operational level, tasks, resources and goals are predefined and highly structured.  The decision to grant credit to customer, for instance, is made by a lower-level supervisor according to predefined criteria.  All that must be determined is whether the customer meets the criteria.
The following table shows the specific types of application information systems that correspond to operation level:
Functional Area

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