Reasons why you are being hacked

Weak passwords
Phishing is a common method of identity theft that utilizes fake e-mails which are sent to customers to acquire sensitive user information.
Insecure Internet Browsing 
Cyber threats that originate as the result of web browser vulnerabilities, can be controlled by using the latest versions of the web browser software, or by installing updates and configuring settings to disable applets, scripts, plugins and Active X controls.
Use of pirated software
Pirated software may be used to harvest Trojans and viruses in computer systems and since the software is “unsupported” the user is deprived of technical support.
Misuse of Portable storage devices.  
Lack of proper encryption
Some of the risks that one can expect from an unsecured network include: a

  1. Unauthorized access to files and data 
  2. Attackers may capture website traffic, user id and passwords, 
  3. Attackers may inject a software to log user key strokes and steal sensitive information 
  4. Unauthorized access to corporate network. (In the event that the user’s network is connected to a corporate network.)
  5.  A users IP address could be compromised and unauthorized users may use it for illegal transactions. 
Using Wireless Hotspots
While using public access points it is safe to use secure websites protected by the Secure Sockets Layer. Using infrastructure mode is safer than ad-hoc mode as it uses access controls to connect to network. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure way for a user to connect with their company network. (VPN creates secure access to private network over public connections.)

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