Column Guides

These may be set on Master Pages, so that they will be exactly the same on every page of your docu-
ment. You can also set them for each page individually as well.
Choose Layout, Column Guides from the menu. A dialog box will appear. Enter the number of col-
umns. Note that guides may be set separately for facing pages. The lines showing the column guides
will not print. Click OK to exit the dialog box.

Ruler Guides

Like margin and column guides, ruler guides are non-printing horizontal and vertical lines that are used
for alignment. To obtain a ruler guide, click anywhere in a ruler and drag towards the page. To delete a
ruler guide, simply drag it off your page, on to the pasteboard or back into a ruler. They can be reposi-
tioned at any time by clicking on them and then dragging them.

Locking Guides

Ruler guides may be added to any page in your document. The guides added to the master pages may be
modified if they were not locked on the master page. Column Guides may be added or modified from
the master page settings.
Choose Lock Guides from the View menu before placing text (or graphics); this will allow liberal
manipulation of text and graphics objects without interfering with the page layout objects. This action is
usually done on individual pages once the page layout has been defined and before text and graphics are
placed. Do not lock Column and Ruler guides on Master pages if you want flexibility on individual

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